
Derek Williams

Software Engineer

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About Me

My name is Derek Williams, and I am a Software Engineer. I have experience with HTML5, CSS3, Javascript(ES8), React, PHP (jQuery, Angular, Vue), C# and ASP.NET. I currently live in Orlando, FL.


Cubic Simulation Systems

Associate Software Engineer

At Cubic, I used React to develop in-game user interactable systems for simulations. I created multiple reusable React components to smooth our development process, and make bug fixing easier. I spoke with cross functional teams to create documentation to make our processes more understandable.

  • Introduced Higher Order Components and Render Props to our development team to reduce boilerplate and enable in-browser testing for components.
  • Rapidly iterated on our previously lacking documentation. This included becoming a Web liaison for other team whenever questions arose.


Front End Web Developer

At Ascentus I cleaned up the company’s existing codebases and dove deep into the redesign of the company’s flagship website.

  • Mentored a Junior Backend Developer regarding best coding practices and using our workflow.
  • Learned many newer technologies and ideologies from my coworkers and the stack we used.
  • Customized Wordpress functionality with ACF for my content editors in my previous position depending on business needs.

Worldwide Interactive Services

Angular Developer - Intern

I was hired to maintain and implement new features to Worldwide’s current consumer facing Mobile App portal utilizing PhoneGap and AngularJS. During the course of my employment I also worked extensively on their internet portal using C# and ASP.NET.

  • Responsible for maintaining, optimizing, and implementing key features to the Mobile Banking App.
  • Made optimization a priority by cutting code bloat, avoiding watchers, and using Chrome DevTools.
  • Learned new pre-processors CoffeeScript and HAML, as well as C# and ASP.NET during the project.


Former Portfolio App

My former portfolio mimicked Window 95 to display my projects, and includes projects from the beginning of my career.

View Project


I created a collectible game utilizing Canvas for the first time, using Canvas to generate 2D graphics.

View Project


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